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Find Out What's Inside

Holmes is proud to be an AVID campus. We are building a culture of student performance and college readiness. We will develop students with the skills needed to organize their work, study for exams, and apply their thinking to a variety of learning tasks.
More about AVID
Mesa Public Schools Preschool Programs are diverse and inclusive. Our inclusive Early Learning Programs celebrate the uniqueness and ability levels of all children.
More about Preschool
Title I
Holmes Elementary receives additional supplemental funds through a Title I grant from the federal government to provide extra supplementary services for all of our students.
More about Title I
Xplore is an exciting, extended-day program for Kindergarten (must be 5 years old) to 6th grade students in Mesa Public Schools. Children will experience a variety of instructional and recreational activities, including academic support, engineering, science, virtual reality, athletics and more.
More about Xplore